

organize_files_tops.csh filelist pins.ll mode


organize_files_tops.csh organize one track of S1A TOPS data, redefine frames, auto-download precise orbits; if restituted orbits are required, user must download separately

To download restituted orbit files for Sentinel-1 data, use download_sentinel_orbits.csh or download_sentinel_orbits_linux.csh

Required Arguments


List of SAFE files to be stitched, with absolute path, in time order


List of stitching locations. Each list must have a minimum of two pins, but if you are attempting to stitch multiple frames that span over ~150 km, additional pins should be added in between your start and end pin points. Additionally, maximum stitching distance is currently ~500 km (stitching frames longer than this distance may introduce issues into interferogram processing).

Format of pins.ll file (point 1 and point2 must be listed with first point in orbit direction first, e.g., descending orbit should have the northernmost point before the southernmost point):

lon1 lat1

lon2 lat2


Processing mode. Mode = 1 will tell how many records are going to be generated. mode = 2 will do the organizing and stitching (mode 2 takes a longer processing time).


organize_files_tops.csh SAFEfile.list T035_pins.ll 1