

merge_batch.csh inputfile config_file [det_stitch]


merge_batch.csh will apply merge_unwrap_geocode_tops.csh to the given list of interferogram pairs. The list must be formatted as the example below. Additionally, merge_batch.csh allows the option of calculating a det_stitch parameter which will calculate the stitching position based on existing NaN areas in the given grid file.

This outputs one directory for each pair (labeled date1_date2 as YYYYDDD_YYYYDDD), inside which will be the merged corr.grd, phasefilt.grd and mask.grd prodcts.

If the trans.dat file already exists, this command will not recompute the projection matrix (and will not overwrite the existing trans.dat file).

Required Arguments


List of input interferogram pair parameter files. This input file can be created using create_merge_input.csh or by hand as long as it is formatted as:



e.g. ../F1/intf_all/2015092_2015128/:S1A20150403_ALL_F1.PRM:S1A20150509_ALL_F1.PRM,../F2/intf_all/2015092_2015128/:S1A20150403_ALL_F2.PRM:S1A20150509_ALL_F2.PRM,../F3/intf_all/2015092_2015128/:S1A20150403_ALL_F3.PRM:S1A20150509_ALL_F3.PRM

(Use the repeat PRM which contains the shift information.)

Make sure that under each path, the processed phasefilt.grd, corr.grd and mask.grd exist. Also make sure the dem.grd file is linked in your working merge/ directory.

WARNING: The master image of the batch must be listed in a pair in the first line of your input list (e.g. a masterdate_secondarydate pair)


The same config file used for interferogram processing (e.g., batch.config or batch_tops.config)

Optional Argument


Set det_stitch to 1 if you want to calculate the stitching position based on the NaN area in the grids


merge_batch.csh filelist batch.config