

gnss_enu2los.csh master.PRM master.LED gnss.sllenu dem.grd


gnss_enu2los.csh will convert given east/north/up GNSS observations to Line-Of-Sight (LOS)

This can be used in three main ways:

  1. Converting a single GPS station time series to LOS (one station for every run)

  2. Converting a set of displacements over a specific time period observed at many GPS station points

  3. Converting a set of estimated GPS velocities

The output of this script can be directly input into another script called correct_insar_with_gnss.csh which can correct an interferogram (or InSAR velocity field if you have run a time series) with GPS data.

GPS displacement and velocity data can be acquired from many sources. Check out these resources to learn more and find data for your area:

Scripps Orbit and Permanent Array Center (SOPAC) and NASA MEaSUREs ESESES time series:

Interactive Map and time series viewer:

Download time series:

University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada Geodetic Laboratory (NGL):

Interactive Map:

Home page:

Required Arguments


PRM file for the master SAR image


LED file for the master SAR image. Ensure that this is the same .LED file listed in your master.PRM file (they must match)


GNSS displacements. Assumes the gnss.llenu file is a list of stations with a specific displacement value (e.g. the displacement between two insar scenes, or the velocity of a single point) per station in millimeters or millimeters/yr.

Format: StationCode Longitude Latitude East North Up


DEM grid file from your insar processing


gnss_enu2los.csh  master.PRM master.LED gnss_2019-2018.sllenu dem.grd