This page covers the necessary set up and details for each step of the batch processing workflow for non-Sentinel-1 data:
Directory Setup
Preprocessing: Choosing a Reference Image
Alignment: Aligning images to a Reference Image
Directory Setup
The first thing to do to prepare for batch processing is to organize your directory structure into the following path tree, for example, for a given track:
[track#] | ________|_______ | | | [raw] [topo] [intf]
The directories are:
[raw] is where you store your SAR data and preprocess your data
[topo] is where you store your downloaded DEM file
[intf] is where your interferograms will be stored
The first step of preprocessing your data is to calculate and plot a baseline diagram showing the placement of all your chosen input images in your batch. To accomplish this, you first need to create a file, which is the input file for pre_proc_batch.csh . All preprocessing occurs in the raw directory.
The file is a list of SAR image namestems — see pre_proc_batch.csh to see how to format a file for your given data type.
NOTE: The first line in your file should be your reference image, but you will need to run this once to get your baseline_table and your plot to see how your images plot together.
The second step of preprocessing your data is to align all your images to your chosen reference image. See align_batch.csh to see the usage for this tool. You will need to create an file for this purpose.
Once all your images are aligned to their reference image, you are ready to start processing interferograms.