
This page covers the necessary set up and details for each step of the batch processing interferogram workflow for non-Sentinel-1 data:

  • Selecting pairs

  • Preparing a configuration file

  • Running intf_batch.csh to test settings

Selecting Pairs

The first thing you need to do to produce your batch of interferograms is to decide which interferograms you want to include in your batch or your time series. To do this, you need to select a temporal baseline threshold and a spatial baseline threshold (in other words you need to decide how long your longest interferograms will be apart in space and in time).

To calculate your list of interferogram pairs, you can use the tool select_pairs.csh For example, in your raw directory, run:

select_pairs.csh baseline_table.dat 50 100

This command will produce the file that includes all image pairs with a temporal baseline smaller than 50 days, and a perpendicular spatial baseline smaller than 100 meters.

The file will list these pairs like this, for example, for ALOS data:


Preparing a configuration file

Ensure that you have a batch_tops.config file in your track level directory. If you don’t have one use pop_config.csh to generate one for your satellite data type.

The batch_tops.config file is the file that contains all of your processing parameter settings, and it is where you will tell the processing programs how you want your interferograms prepared and calculated.

The first thing you need to edit is to put the date of your reference image in the “master_image” line:

# Inside the file:
# the namestem of the master image - REQUIRED
master_image =

Running intf.csh to test settings

We recommend running a single interferograms in your batch first, in order to test your settings and make sure everything is working properly. In addition, the first step (stage 1) calculates a large file called topo_ra.grd, which is used to map topography into radar coordinates, and it only needs to be generated once (and they you can change the stage number to 2).

To just run one test interferogram:

# run one pair
intf.csh IMG-HH-ALPSRP055750660-H1.0__A.PRM IMG-HH-ALPSRP049040660-H1.0__A.PRM -topo topo_ra.grd

Once that finishes, you should edit batch_tops.config again to set proc_stage = 2, which will enable a full run of interferograms, and will skip making the topo_ra file which was created with this first run above.

Running Many interferograms

You can choose to run all your interferograms using intf_batch.csh.