

snaphu_interp.csh correlation_threshold maximum_discontinuity [<rng0>/<rngf>/<azi0>/<azif>]


snaphu_interp.csh Unwrap the phase while interpolating around NaN pixels

Required Arguments


Correlation is set to zero is less than the set threshold (if unsure what threshold to start with, try creating a coherence mask first to check)


Enables phase jumps for earthquake ruptures, etc. Set to 0 for continuous phase such as interseismic or up to 60 for an event such as an earthquake rupture

Optional Arguments

optional range

If you wish to only process a subarea of your input, specify minrange/maxrange/minazimuth/maxazimuth


snaphu_interp.csh .12 40 1000/3000/24000/27000


Chen C. W. and H. A. Zebker, Network approaches to two-dimensional phase unwrapping: intractability and two new algorithms, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 17, pp. 401-414 (2000).

Agram, P. S., & Zebker, H. A. (2009). Sparse two-dimensional phase unwrapping using regular-grid methods. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 6(2), 327-331.