phasefilt -imag imag.grd -real real.grd [-alpha alpha][-psize size][-amp1 amp1.grd -amp2 amp2.grd][-diff][-v]
phasefilt Applies Goldstein adaptive filter to phase [output: filtphase.grd] or applies modified Goldstein adaptive filter to phase [output: filtphase.grd, corrfilt.grd]
Required Arguments
-imag imag
GMT format file of imaginary component
-real real
GMT format file of real component
Optional Arguments
-alpha alpha
Exponent for filter - usually between 0.0 and 1.5 (0.0 should not filter).
default: 0.5 [Goldstein filter] (anything above 1.0 may be excessive)
alpha < 0 will set alpha = (1 - coherence) [modified Goldstein]
-psize psize
Patch size for filtering. Must be power of two. Default: 32
-amp1 amp1
GMT format file of amplitude image of image 1. Needed (and applies) modified filter.
-amp2 amp2
GMT format file of amplitude image of image 2. Needed (and applies) modified filter.
-diff diff
Calculate difference between input phase and output phase.
-complex_out complex_out
Write out filtered real and imaginary (filtphase_real.grd and filtphase_imag.grd)
phasefilt -imag imag.grd -real real.grd -alpha 0.5