batch_processing.csh SAT master_image inputfile step [configuration_file]
batch_processing.csh completes batch processing for the specified satellite type, datafiles, and step number
Put the data and orbit files in the raw folder, put DEM in the topo folder
Make sure the files from the same date have the same stem, e.g. stem.tif stem.xml stem.cos stem.EOF, etc
If the configuration file is left blank, the program will generate one with default parameters
Required Arguments
The SAT needs to be specified, choices with in ERS, ENVI, ALOS, ALOS_SLC, ALOS2, ALOS2_SCAN S1_STRIP, S1_TOPS, ENVI_SLC, CSK_RAW, CSK_SLC, TSX, RS2, GF3
User needs to provide the master/reference image name stem
Input file depends on the step you request processing for (steps 1-6 described below).
Details: The step could be 1-preprocessing, 2-alignment, 3-backgeocoding, 4-interferometry, 5-phase unwrapping, and 6-geocoding. For TOPS data, step 1 and 2 are done together.
STEP 1: preprocessing, inputfile should be a list of inputdata with or without orbit files, master_image should be in the first line NEED at least THREE records to run e.g., for ALOS data, the list should be: (pick FBS to be master image) IMG-HH-ALPSRP160702940-H1.0__D IMG-HH-ALPSRP200962940-H1.0__D IMG-HH-ALPSRP268062940-H1.0__D and for Sentinel-1 TOPS data, the list should be like: s1a-iw1-slc-vv-20150109t134413-20150109t134421-004095-004f4a-001:S1A_OPER_AUX_POEORB_OPOD_20210305T105546_V20150108T225944_20150110T005944.EOF s1a-iw1-slc-vv-20150121t134413-20150121t134421-004270-005317-001:S1A_OPER_AUX_POEORB_OPOD_20210305T143838_V20150120T225944_20150122T005944.EOF s1a-iw1-slc-vv-20150226t134412-20150226t134420-004795-005f58-001:S1A_OPER_AUX_POEORB_OPOD_20210306T014915_V20150225T225944_20150227T005944.EOF
STEP 2: alignment, inputfile should be a list of inputdata with master image in the first line e.g., for ALOS data, the list should be like: NEED at least THREE records to run IMG-HH-ALPSRP160702940-H1.0__D IMG-HH-ALPSRP200962940-H1.0__D IMG-HH-ALPSRP268062940-H1.0__D and for Sentinel-1 TOPS data, this step could be skipped. For secondary alignment, run this step multiple times with -skip_master = 1, for secondary and tertiary alignment.
STEP 3: backgeocoding, make sure DEM is in the topo directory, and PRM and LED file of the master image exist in the raw directory. This only need to be run once for a stack of data.
STEP 4: interferometry, inputfile should be a list of interferogram pairs e.g., for ALOS data the list should be like: IMG-HH-ALPSRP160702940-H1.0__D:IMG-HH-ALPSRP200962940-H1.0__D IMG-HH-ALPSRP160702940-H1.0__D:IMG-HH-ALPSRP268062940-H1.0__D IMG-HH-ALPSRP200962940-H1.0__D:IMG-HH-ALPSRP268062940-H1.0__D and for Sentinel-1 TOPS data, the list should be like: S1_20150121_ALL_F1:S1_20150310_ALL_F1 S1_20150121_ALL_F1:S1_20150403_ALL_F1 S1_20150310_ALL_F1:S1_20150403_ALL_F1
STEP 5: phase unwrapping, give the same input as step 4, and the script will go through every directory in intf_all and run phase unwrapping using parameters specified in the config file
STEP 6: geocoding, give the same input as step 4, and the script will go through every directory in intf_all and run geocoding
Optional Argument
If the configuration file is left blank, the program will generate one with default parameters
batch_processing.csh ALOS IMG-HH-ALPSRP055750660-H1.0__A imagelist 1 config.alos.txt